• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • Whats On


    Image: Peyvand Sadeghian
    Photo of two people sat on a swing set. They are both wearing white togas with gold capes and are each holding identical felt puppets who are wearing gold and have long brown hair. The person on the left is white, has wavy brown hair and is gazing into th

    The City of Ladies

    Fri 28 March at 9pm
    Brand new comedy exploring gender, queer joy, and what we might learn from the ladies of the past as we attempt to build a future.
    Drag thing, Jean, pokes their face out of a pile of denim
    Sophia Hirsch presents

    JEAN: Live!

    Sat 29 March at 7:15pm
    JEAN: Live! Is a surrealist sci-fi drag show where a denim alien from a planet made of trash is brought to Earth for scientific study.
    Text reads SPRINT 2025 with 2 blue socks and white runnning shoes at the bottom. One of socks has a plant growing out of it.

    Big Bang Scratch Night - 30 March 2025

    Sun 30 March at 7:15pm
    Big Bang is CPT’s regular scratch night: an explosion of performance from which new universes of theatre may one day emerge.
    A grey dead mouse lying on its back with a halo above its head.
    Alright? presents

    THE Deadmouse and Peabrain Dreams

    Sun 6 and Mon 7 April at 7pm
    Two small town sisters, one dream. The Xfactor! But reality hits harder than Serena Williams’ backhand.
    Lachlan poses as Jack Hammer, a circus strongman - with curled blonde hair in a 1920s style, wearing a blue singlet with white feather shoulders and blue sequined abs, he lifts a huge barbell with weights above his head with one hand.
    Lachlan Werner presents

    Lachlan Werner: WonderTwunk (WIP)

    Thurs 17th - Saturday 19th April 9:00pm
    The Twunk: Body of a Hunk, Head of a Twink Award-winning ventriloquist clown, Lachlan Werner, builds a super strong genre-bending tale of stunts, sea-lions, sci-fi and secrets...