Support our artists, community and young people to make inventive new theatre
“There are few spaces in the capital left to see experimental performance; CPT is one of those rare places and it is vital it is preserved” – Amy Lamé, London’s Night Czar
Camden People’s Theatre is a charity and we rely on the generous donations of people like you to keep our vibrant programme going. Your donations allow us to lean into the radical, lowering the barriers of entry into theatre for emerging artists and democratising access to theatre through our community engagement and commissioning programmes.
Our artists and audiences will be feeling the devastating effects of the pandemic for years to come, and we are committed to continuing to provide regular commissions, in-kind rehearsal room support, training and development, to ensure as many theatremakers as possible weather this storm. In the last year alone our supporters have helped us give out 60 commissions, and 1356 hours of free rehearsal space to 226 artists we have worked with.
With your help, we have reopened our doors to welcome live performance back onto our stage and every single donation keeps those doors open. We don't charge booking fees like other theatres, so please consider a top-up when booking your tickets instead, become an Assembly Member with our membership scheme, or if you’d like to support our work with emerging artists, community engagement and young people directly, you can donate by clicking here.