• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • iulia isar


    iulia isar is a Romanian actor, theatre maker & youth worker. Her work is often a subject of tragicomedy, political theatre, clowning & the buffoon. 
    She is an associate artist of BÉZNÄ‚ Theatre, recent projects include Wipe These Tears, The People’s Tribunal on Crimes of Aggression: Afghanistan Sessions, & as assistant director on How to Break out of a Detention Centre, a co production with GIUVLIPEN at Riverside Studios. 

  • iulia isar  on Instagram
  • iulia isar CPT shows

    Santiago Lago

    Cry for me

    Sat 17 June at 7.15pm
    A dystopian cabaret about migrant labour, CRY FOR ME is a carousel of migrant lament for the living dead under capitalism.
    Mattia Sedda

    Cry For Me

    Thu 23 - Sat 25 May at 9pm
    A special edition of your favourite dystopian cabaret, focusing on international crises and national problems. All profits will go towards Workers for a Free Palestine.

    Blog Posts by iulia isar

    blurred image of underground tunnel with lights
    Posted: 09-05-2024 Tag: artist blogs

    Mourning and Migration: the living also need to be mourned

    CRY FOR ME is a dystopian cabaret that imagines a not too implausible world in which crying can be outsourced -like everything else we don’t have time for- to a cheap migrant workforce. It’s based on Romanian folk customs of wailing for the dead, where professional mourners come to funerals to cry for the deceased, exorcising grief and allowing families to feel that their personal loss is also a communal loss. Professional mourning originated as a practice in Ancient Egypt, China, the Mediterranean and Near Eastern cultures, and it’s swiftly dying out around the world. In Romania, the wailers (bocitoare) are mostly older women (babe), rooted in their communities with deep, encyclopaedic knowledge of their neighbours. When these women die, the whole practice will die with them.

    Thank you for allowing artists to take creative risks, the world needs it now more than ever.

    Programmed artist