Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
Set in a not too implausible future where crying is just one more type of labour that can be outsourced to a cheap migrant workforce, Cry for me draws on Romanian traditions of wailing. Babele bocitoare (buh-beh-leh bow-chi-twa-reh) are Romanian professional mourners: older women who go to funerals to cry for the deceased and their family. Like rappers, they improvise lyrics to music on the spot.
On the 17th June, the babe (buh-beh) are in London for one night only and they want to work for YOU.
A cabaret about the act of crying as a social duty and a form of resilience, where no suffering is required!
Generously supported by Camden People's Theatre and Polish Migrants Organise for Change. POMOC (@polishmigrantsorganise) is a grassroots political home for Eastern European migrant women and gender nonconforming people living in the UK to organise together towards dignity, power and justice.
Photography by Santiago Lago.
"CPT is the first place we turn to when we have a new idea, knowing that experimentation and new ideas are always supported."
Sh!t Theatre