• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • Burning Attic


    We devise investigative theatre created from engagement with the lived experiences of people under-represented in theatre, particularly drawing from interviews as research and source material. As a collective mainly comprised of queer, migrant, and Global Majority members, we see theatre and live performance as a means of intervening in reality, where artistic representation has the power to reshape understanding and reconfigure mainstream paradigms. We seek to respond to the spectacle of politics in our multimedia world through interdisciplinary creative processes, defying hierarchies between art and experience.

  • Burning Attic  on Instagram
  • Burning Attic CPT shows

    Andy Bodrenkov
    Burning Attic presents

    Patient is a Verb

    Tue 13 Dec - Thu 15 Dec at 9pm
    Welcome to the waiting room to enter the realm of Transition*. You are the 11,174th player. Only 33 players have made it through Level One this month.
    Florian Lim
    Burning Attic presents

    Too Hot, Too Cold, Just Right

    Fri 29 - Sat 30 Nov at 9pm
    WARNING: SCENES OF ASEXUAL NATURE. Jade cannot shake the voice in her head that something is missing and it’s getting louder... A work-in-progress challenging representations of our romantic and sexual connections.

    Blog Posts by Burning Attic

    Camden People's Theatre building pictured from the outside with teal walls and big windows.
    Posted: 24-09-2024 Tag: artist blogs

    The Magic of Works-In-Progress

    In the vibrant world of theatre, there's a special kind of performance that often goes unnoticed by the general public but is cherished by artists and dedicated theatre-goers alike: the work-in-progress (WIP). As Camden People's Theatre begins its Autumn 2024 season, we're pulling back the curtain on these unique shows and inviting you to be part of the creative process.

    "An unrivalled chance to see edgy, experimental and brand-new theatre"

    Time Out