• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • Victor Esses


    Victor Esses is a Jewish-Lebanese Latinx queer theatre maker, performance artist and writer. His practice centres nuanced intersectional auto/biographical stories of belonging, resilience and intimacy, encouraging audiences to ask questions about what makes us most human.

  • Victor Esses  Website
  • Victor Esses  on Instagram
  • Victor Esses CPT shows

    Christa Holka
    Victor Esses presents

    The Death & Life Of All Of Us

    Tue 2 - Sat 6 Apr at 7.15pm, Tue 9 - Sat 13 Apr at 9pm
    Following a sell-out premiere at Soho Theatre and an award-winning run at Summerhall in Edinburgh Fringe, migrant theatre maker Victor Esses brings his unique storytelling back to the London stage.

    Blog Posts by Victor Esses

    A man wearing in a white t-shirt stands centre stage, speaking into a microphone. He is looking up at a large projection of an older woman which takes up the entire back wall of the set.
    Posted: 20-03-2024 Tag: artist blogs

    Embracing Authenticity: Creating The Death & Life of All of Us

    What does it mean to be truly authentic?

    That's the question Victor Esses has been trying to answer through The Death & Life of All of Us - a project twenty years in the making and a true story of a special intergenerational relationship. Victor reflects on creating a show about belonging, coming into one's queerness & an ever-present connection to the past.

    "Hats off to the CPT for this fine show, well researched and coming from a place of great passion... Comm­unity theatre at its most effective."

    Camden New Journal (Human Jam)