• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • Isabella Waldron


    Isabella Waldron is an Oregon-born, London-based writer with a passion for queer stories. Her play how to build a wax figure was published with Methuen in 2021 (Assembly at Edinburgh Fringe). She has been shortlisted for the Alpine Fellowship Prize, the Bay Area Playwrights’ Foundation, and the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference. Her writing has been featured with The Pleasance, Omnibus theatre, Orleans Gallery’s Lines of Dissent, Bomb Factory Theatre, Golden Goose, Silver Lining Co., 24 Hour Plays, Theatre NOVA, Our Digital Stories, The WorkShop Theatre, the Portland Actors’ Conservatory, and selected as a San Francisco Chronicle Critic’s Choice. Isabella was also recently accepted to the Sewanee Writers’ Conference as a Tennessee Williams Scholar. 

  • isabella waldron  Website
  • isabella waldron  on Instagram
  • isabella waldron CPT shows



    Sat 16 Sep at 7.15pm
    A Pseudo-Southern Queer Gothic Love Story gone wrong. Written by Isabella Waldron* *And also me, Chatter, descendant of ChatGPT. Don't forget about me.

    Blog Posts by isabella waldron

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    Tobi King Bakare and this theatre deserve a shout-out for such a young, diverse audience. There is so much talk about audiences being full of over 60s and why, why can’t theatres get the crowds in to reflect society in general? Well, I’m happy to say that on a rainy Thursday evening, the theatre was completely full.

    Caiti Grove on Before I Go in CPT's Spring 2023 season London Theatre Reviews