Hester-Stefan Chillingworth makes performance work, installations and texts. Playful, low-key and interventionist, Hester-Stefan frequently plays with language, duration, mischief and confusion. They are a Jerwood New Playwright at The Royal Court Theatre, currently under commission, and a Fellow of the Birkbeck Centre for Contemporary Theatre and Associate Artist at Cambridge Junction.
The Extinction Trilogy is a post-human laugh in the face of impending Armageddon. Three works (Monster Show, Blood Show and Nature Show) explore the human body and its limits for representation, voluntary species extinction, erasure, and transness.
This is the largest performance work to-date by Hester Stefan Chillingworth, and rooted in their lived experience of being non-binary, The Extinction Trilogy is a slow investigation into trying to obliterate humans from performance, in order to make us think more closely about how we look at bodies.