Writer and comedian Amy Gibbons (École Philippe Gaulier) tours and works internationally, co-founded Gibbons & Gaulier theatre with whom she won an award for new writing ((LIICAA Fest 2016) and is a founding director of Slate Barn Arts community arts centre.
Actor Claudio Del Toro, (DAMS, Italy, École Philippe Gaulier) was selected for the LGBT theatre festival of Turin with an original play and worked for ILO - The United Nations, in the ‘Scream in Action’ project: supporting children’s rights. At Ed Fringe Festival he got a five star review from the British Theatre Guide and The Mumble for the Clown Show "Goodbye, I'm Leaving!"
Director Samuel Gaulier (École Philippe Gaulier) co-founder of Gibbons & Gaulier has worked as Assistant Director to Cal McCrystal and SAAM Persian Theatre Company. He has extensive experience in clown, including as La Puta Calle’s sole resident clown in Paris.