• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • Guido Garcia Lueches


    Guido Garcia Lueches is a Uruguayan theatre maker and poet specialised in devising performance, who focuses on multiculturalism, identity and the immigrant experience. Their poetry has been published in Invisible Presence: Emerging British Latinx Writers, as well as MAGMA Magazine among others. This is their first one-person show, and third collaboration with MarianaMalena theatre company.

  • Guido Garcia Lueches  on Instagram
  • Guido Garcia Lueches CPT shows

    Charly Monreal

    Playing Latinx

    Tue 29 Mar - Sat 2 Apr at 7.15pm
    What lengths do we go to fit in? An actor from Latin America tries to find his place in the UK theatre scene, all funny accents and salsa rhythms. At what point does the stereotype start playing him?

    Blog Posts by Guido Garcia Lueches

    Posted: 11-03-2022 Tag: artist blogs

    Playing Latinx: Notes from Directors Mariana Aristizabal Pardo & Malena Arcucci

    In this blog post, Mariana Aristizabal Pardo and Malena Arcucci from Marianamalena Theatre Co. gives us a sneak peek into the devising process for Playing Latinx (coming to CPT on Tue 29 Mar - Sat 2 Apr). Click here to book.

    Tobi King Bakare and this theatre deserve a shout-out for such a young, diverse audience. There is so much talk about audiences being full of over 60s and why, why can’t theatres get the crowds in to reflect society in general? Well, I’m happy to say that on a rainy Thursday evening, the theatre was completely full.

    Caiti Grove on Before I Go in CPT's Spring 2023 season London Theatre Reviews