Alright Lads, erm, I'm Eleanor Hill. I'm a dyslexic, darkly comic, theatre-maker with an intense Instagram addiction and some mental health life spice.
My vibe is let's take the terrible things that happened to me and turn them into lols and art to hopefully maybe pay for my therapy bills.
I don't really like writing bio's or about me's- ironic for a playwright not not like writing I know but - I'm the kind of pal that sends audiobook length voice notes and videos and so if you really want to know about me just follow me on insta @iameleanorhill
Instead of a bio I'll list some stuff I do and don't like.
I like theatre that makes people who didn't grow up on theatre feel like theatre is for them, Jacket potatoes, my hair, day old red wine, and that incomparable connection had on stage between an artist and audience, what both give and receive in that moment.
I don't like spiders or my ex boyfriend.