• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • Darlink Dick, Tahini Molasses, Toby Kind, Hayriye Holivud


    The Harem of no One presents a risk taking cabaret bleeding storytelling and popular music from SWANA. On 2021 I took part in the online event broadcasted from the basement of The Glory, the cabaret mecca of East London, featuring drag queens and queer performers from Istanbul who have lost their stages and left with no government support. Our work brings awareness around queerness and cultures. Since then I been doing monthly cabaret shows to notable venues and happenings such as: Soho House (September 2022)with a cabaret night, Mighty Hoopla Festival (June 2022 and upcoming in June 2024). We performed at the Southbank Centre (July 2022)in a queer awareness week. We also collaborated with the Camp Bestival (July 2022) as a perfomer for the how Queer it up. We also got involved in the UK Black Pride (August 2022). I got invited as an artist to the Enfield Council’s Enfield Pride (June 2023)and later on I performed at the Hackney Council’s Hackney Pride 365 (November 2023) for an event. I did a parry event at the following places : Clapham Grand (December 2023).

  • DarlinkDickTahiniMolassesTobyKindHayriye Holivud  on Instagram
  • DarlinkDickTahiniMolassesTobyKindHayriye Holivud CPT shows

    Diego Echeverry

    Dolmuş Mini Bus

    Mon 17th Mar at 9pm
    The Harem of no One presents a risk taking cabaret blending storytelling and popular music from SWANA.

    Blog Posts by DarlinkDickTahiniMolassesTobyKindHayriye Holivud

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    The Guardian