• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • By Proxy


    By Proxy is a research-based, devised theatre company working with speculative fiction. Our work envisions the next 10-50 years looking at themes such as AI, climate crisis and enhancement technology alongside the current socio-political trends. We're interested in the embodiment of various future scenarios - understanding how big and abstract concepts might ripple down to day-to-day lives. We're interested in a near-future landscape that we, ourselves, will witness in our lifetimes. We then turn this into character driven dark comedy scenarios.

    Our exploration is driven towards anxieties and hopes of marginalised and underground communities, where change is most pronounced. We're curious about the lives that we might live. We look at the future from a dual perspective believing that the technology itself has a potential to be both a positive and a negative force.

    Our practice can be summarised in a simple 'what if?', a question we want to invite both our practitioners and our audience into.

  • By Proxy  on Instagram
  • By Proxy CPT shows

    Karin Sarkizova
    By Proxy presents

    Scattered Dreams

    Tue 3 Oct - Thu 5 Oct at 7.15pm
    A snapshot of the future. A dreamlike tale of a young climate refugee from East Anglia attempting to reclaim a sense of control.

    Blog Posts by By Proxy

    A collage of four different brain scans layered on top of each other
    Posted: 25-09-2023 Tag: artist blogs

    A journey into tomorrow: notes from exploring social fiction in theatre

    Social fiction plays a rather jarring game with us: on the cross road of what we know, what might be and what we can imagine out of that. A whole multitude of scenarios for us to digest. Scenarios that scream to be explored and embodied artistically. 

    Aggie Jurochnik explores social fiction in theatre ahead of By Proxy's upcoming show: Scattered Dreams.

    "CPT is a force for good... We as a community need this desperately at this time."

    Local resident