Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
This show is part of our 3xThursday triple bill! This means we have 3 slightly shorter shows on in one night! So why not make a night of it and see all 3? You get 25% off when you book more than one show across SPRINT Festival.
New to Mumsnet? Don’t worry! Lovely Day walks you through a day in the life of a Mumsnet ‘Yummy Mummy’. Prepare to delve deep into hard-hitting domestic debates and dig in to the delicious Mumsnet diet.
Lovely Day addresses the absurdity of online chat forums and explores how they impact modern-day communication.
The piece is unnerving in its attempt to personify the anonymous voices of Mumsnet and explore the strangeness of what these exchanges become when translated through a visceral body. What has contemporary motherhood turned into when experienced through the lens of Mumsnet?
The development of Lovely Day has been supported by Manchester School of Theatre and FemFest 2024’s Early Career Artist scheme.
Tobi King Bakare and this theatre deserve a shout-out for such a young, diverse audience. There is so much talk about audiences being full of over 60s and why, why can’t theatres get the crowds in to reflect society in general? Well, I’m happy to say that on a rainy Thursday evening, the theatre was completely full.
Caiti Grove on Before I Go in CPT's Spring 2023 season London Theatre Reviews