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  • Eden Jun presents

    I’m Sorry I’m Not Lucy Liu

    Tue 20 Jun - Thu 22 Jun at 7.15pm
    Tickets £8 (work-in-progress)
    A playful and political choose-your-own-adventure time-travel show about Eden's quest to live up to her lookalike idol's life and career.

    Lucy Liu is an Asian American icon and star of the new 'Shazam!' 

    Eden is a star employee of a local cinema, selling the tickets.

    She's always told she looks like Lucy Liu: her idol and her nemesis. 

    Can she ever reach Lucy's Hollywood heights? 

    With the help of Camden People's Time Machine, and with you – the audience – in control, Eden will go on a funny, fast-paced, and sometimes heartbreaking adventure through alternative pasts, presents, and futures, as she attempts to rewrite and reclaim her story as a superstar in her own right.

    But, beware: 

    Life is not a game.

    Every choice has a consequence. 

    No two shows will be the same. 

    Her life is in your hands...

    Choosing Our Next Adventure: a futurist community conversation (Post-show event on 20 Jun)

    Join the I'm Sorry I'm Not Lucy Liu team and friend of the production Lisa Maeda to talk about the show and where it's going next. We'll discuss the choices we've made so far and how the show came to be before opening up the floor to questions and feedback from the most important parts of our production: all of you! Have your say about what you thought was clear and what wasn't and help us go from Charlie's Angels to Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.

    Directed by Francesca Hsieh.

    BSL Consultancy by Deepa Shastri

    BSL Interpretaion by Deborah McLeod

    Supported by Arts Council England and developed with support from KAKILANG. Developed on CPT Starting Blocks.

    With special thanks to: Sabrina Mahfouz, Chris Yarnell, Lisa Maeda, and Jonathan Wakeham.

    Supported by CPT
    Commissioned by CPT
    Content Notice
    Running Time 60 min
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Relaxed Performance
    Relaxed Performance
    BSL Performance
    BSL Performance Interpretation by Deborah McLeod
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeReferences to and depictions of racial and gender discrimination, including physical threat. No graphic/ violent content. Some strong language and adult themes. Suitable for 15+
    Health Notice
    Health NoticeSmoke/fog/haze, Food/Drinks consumed by performers
    "As an Asian American woman, it was really special to see myself represented"
    Audience Feedback
    "Really fun and original, but also heartwarming and leaves you rethinking the issue of race and culture"
    Audience Feedback
    "I see Lucy Liu exactly how she does [in the show], so I totally feel seen. Thank you!"
    Audience Feedback

    "Hats off to the CPT for this fine show, well researched and coming from a place of great passion... Comm­unity theatre at its most effective."

    Camden New Journal (Human Jam)