Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
"You take the blue pill, the story ends.
You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
- Heinrich Institoris, Brother of the Dominican order, 1487, Cologne Germany
Heinrich and Jacob are mediaeval monks, best selling authors and inquisitors
They're also modern-day incels, and sometimes they're Jordan B Peterson.
HEXENHAMMER is a “side-splittingly hilarious”, kaleidoscopic adaptation of Die Hexenhammer, the viral 15th century guide to witch-hunting that almost outsold the Bible.
It’s also a devastating deep-dive into incel ideology, exploring how young men end up killing women as a way to solve their own problems, and why that hasn’t changed in the past 500 years.
Conceived, performed and devised by: Sidsel Rostrup and Suzy Kohane
Direction: Catherine Alexander
Dramaturgy: David Ralf
Assistant Direction: Hughie Stanley and Jacob Seelochan
Additional Devising: Jacob Seelochan, Samuel Brewer and Mae Munoe
Our work has been shown at Live Drafts at The Yard, Big Bang Scratch Night at the Camden People's Theatre and the Lion & Unicorn Theatre. We've received in kind support from the The Yard, the Theatre Deli and New Diorama Broadgate.
"Welcoming, inclusive, creative and life-affirming. I have learnt a lot myself in so many ways that will seep into all parts of my life. My self-confidence has massively increased"
Human Jam participant