Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
Online sales end 30 minutes before the show begins. After this, only booking at the box office in person is possible.
‘Being one of four should mean less pressure.’
Relationships can be messy. Especially when there’s four of you.
Freya loves Dee. Dee loves Craig. Craig loves Freya. And everyone loves Amber. Together they attend fabulous parties and host intimate dinners. They have left their pasts behind and fully embraced their new lives in an open queer utopia.
Until one explosive party, when everything falls apart.
In CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER, you’ll become complicit in one character’s side of the story, viewing the world, this relationship, and that night exclusively through their eyes. As the evening unfolds, you’ll learn that behind the characters’ love and care for each other are hidden secrets and lies... and it won’t be long before they start spilling out.
Immerse yourself in the story as you are given headphones and become privy to one character's perspective, experiencing their thoughts, emotions, and secrets in real-time.
Votive Theatre’s new drama explores four perspectives of the same story, tying you to your fighter’s fate until the bittersweet end.
Written by Katrina Bennett & Directed by Amy Crighton.
Supported by Barrel Organ Theatre, Arts Council England, and the Jerwood New Work Fund
"Hats off to the CPT for this fine show, well researched and coming from a place of great passion... Community theatre at its most effective."
Camden New Journal (Human Jam)