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  • This Is What Dreams Are Made Of (A declassified British survival guide)

    Wed 6 Mar at 9pm
    Tickets £8 + booking fee (work-in-progress)
    A surreal and joyful step-by-step manual for those looking to assimilate into British culture. Told through music, dance, poetry and verbatim interviews.
    Content Notice
    Running Time 55 mins
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeReferences to racism, homophobia and xenophobia. Suitable for 12+
    Health Notice
    Health NoticeSmoke/fog/haze

    Based on the company's lived experiences of going through the naturalisation process, This is What Dreams Are Made Of (A declassified British survival guide) makes fun of bureaucratic systems and their ability to suck all the joy out of living in this country.

    Following two young people from Zimbabwe and Hungary - an unlikely pairing of cultural references - it explores a diverse and non-monolithic experience of immigration. It's playful and punches up, by using clowning, contemporary theatre forms, and queering of cultural mythology to empower those often silenced into ‘case workers’ notes by the home office. The show is joyful and direct, putting the audience right beside the person going through the naturalisation process, not as a distant headline but as an active participant.

    Supported by the Arcola Theatre.

    Great theatre, lovely young team, brilliant supportive diverse programming, the only theatre I can think of that is currently supporting so many theatremakers.

    Programmed artist