• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

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  • CRIPtic Arts presents

    The Crip Monologues

    Mon 27 - Tue 28 May at 7.15pm
    Tickets £8 - £12 (+ booking fee)
    From Jamie Hale, Hayleigh Morrow, Sonera Theo Angel, Emily Brenchi, and Simone Roach, The Crip Monologues explores disability, scrutiny, intimacy, and the reclamatory power of choosing to stare back.
    Content Notice
    Running Time 75 - 90 mins (To be confirmed)
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Captioned Performance
    Captioned PerformanceAll performances will have integrated captions
    Relaxed Performance
    Relaxed PerformanceAll performances will be Relaxed
    BSL Performance
    BSL Performance All performances will be BSL interpreted (name of interpreter to be confimed)
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Audio Description
    Audio DescriptionAll performances will have integrated audio description
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeContains partial or total nudity, references to sex, birth, and the medical system. Full content warning list to be confirmed closer to the time. Suitable for 16+
    Health Notice
    Health NoticeSmoke/fog/haze

    Disabled people exist under constant scrutiny. We are an object of fascination, stared at but rarely fully seen. Nobody wants to be caught staring at disabled people’s bodies – but once we’re on stage, the stared at are staring back.

    The Crip Monologues is a new show from CRIPtic Arts and Director Jamil Dhillon, with scripts by Hayleigh Morrow, Sonera Theo Angel, Emily Brenchi, and Simone Roach. It is an invitation into the intimate narratives disabled people share with one another, an exposure to life under constant non-disabled scrutiny, and a reclamation of the power of performance from the disabled perspective.

    Hayleigh Morrow's Ava in Wonderland, performed by Tatum Swithenbank, unravels the aftermath of a kinky one-night stand under the gaze of a judgemental carer. Theo Angel's Just Short of Saintly, performed by Sam Zelaya, explores the cost and compromises of navigating the world when you're not a sympathetic victim. Emily Brenchi's Mother, performed by Kate Cavill, narrates the impact of disbelief and discrimination giving birth as a disabled woman, while Simone Roach writes a captivating love letter to the beauty, heritage, and heart of the disabled community in The Moon Jellyfish, performed by Samira Ahmed.


    • Tatum Swithenbank, Performer
    • Sam Zelaya, Performer
    • Kate Cavill, Performer
    • Samira Ahmed, Performer
    • Max Marchewicz, BSL Performance Interpreter

    Creative Team

    • Jamie Hale: Creator & Curator
    • Jamil Dhillon, Director
    • Caitlin Richards, Producer
    • Carly Altberg, Lighting & Set Designer
    • Julian Starr, Sound Designer
    • Virginie Taylor, Caption & Video Designer
    • Phoebe Kemp, Movement Director
    • Phoebe Shu-Ching Chan, Costume Designer
    • Ada Eravama, Audio Description Consultant
    • Jess Senanayake, Stage Manager
    • Hayleigh Morrow, Writer 
    • Emily Brenchi, Writer
    • Theo Angel, Writer 
    • Simone Roach, Writer

    “It means so much to be working at CPT, it’s such a good opportunity to work in a professional environment at my age. I didn’t think that was ever going to happen and it means the world to me. It’s really going to help prepare me for my future and where I want to go”

    CYT participant and Camden student