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  • Purple Wave presents

    Tea and Milk (Previously "Broken")

    Fri 19 May - Sat 20 May, 9pm
    Tickets £8 (work-in-progress)
    Another one-woman show. All the cliches are there. Shitty job. Sex with randomers. Only she's a foreigner. So add that into the mix.
    Content Notice
    Running Time 65 min
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeSuitable for 16+

    What if you can't cry? What if instead of that, you laugh? You masturbate? Have sex with cartoon character-looking men? Work a shitty job? Anything but crying. Or admitting you’re not ok.

    Yes, yes, we all know that "life-is-not-what-I-imagined-it-to-be" depression. Those dashed hopes. Those gnawing regrets. She tried, she really tried. 

    But she failed at life. At the high school reunion, everyone is talking about investment banking. Children. Marriage. She is behind.

    And along the way, she doesn't cry, she laughs. She laughs it all out. And she desperately wants you to laugh with her.

    A funny and moving show by a group of artists who explore what it means to be foreign or not knowing what "home" is. Tea and Milk is their second show grappling with these themes.

    Supported by Arts Council England and the Romanian Cultural Institute.

    Great theatre, lovely young team, brilliant supportive diverse programming, the only theatre I can think of that is currently supporting so many theatremakers.

    Programmed artist