Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
This is a place where no one knows what it is, but everyone is familiar with it. This is a place where no one knows if it’s real, but everyone knows what they feel is real. Maybe not everyone, but every woman. Women come here to forget. But can they? Can they forget the things that made them end up in this place?
The Womb is an absurd play about the absurd things that women have been going through since the beginning of the world. Witty, fast-paced dialogue, original techno-atmospheric music, and three lost women in a place they can never ever leave... Be prepared to laugh at how utterly ridiculous this play is, and think maybe the world of The Womb and the world we live in might not be that far apart after all!
Written by Aylin Rodoplu
Directed by Elise Xiaqi Eriksen
Performed by Aylin Rodoplu, Tara Mcmillan, Gabriela Mahé
Music Composed by Aylin Rodoplu
"Welcoming, inclusive, creative and life-affirming. I have learnt a lot myself in so many ways that will seep into all parts of my life. My self-confidence has massively increased"
Human Jam participant