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  • The Untethered Joke

    Tue 16, Wed 17, Thur 18 November, 7.15pm
    Tickets £8
    It is about loyalty, cruelty and endeavour and is performed by two fools taking on the world and each other.

    The Untethered Joke is a work-in-progress; the ideas are nascent, combustible, reckless, funny, violent, and the product of a new collaboration between Hannah Ringham and Sue MacLaine who will be onstage together and apart.

    This is a dirty protest; demanding, cajoling and refusing. A performance that involves hurling autobiographical crumbs, declarations of love, elite conversation, jokes and poems from mountain tops of their own making.

    The Untethered Joke is a pas-de-deux, a double act, a tete-a-tete, a call to arms and a call to tea. It is about loyalty, cruelty and endeavour and is performed by two fools taking on the world and each other.


    Guidance and advice from Maiko Yamanoto [Theatre Replacement, Vancouver]

    The Untethered Joke began life at the Action Hero 2019 residency ‘You Want to Be My Wingman’ and is supported by Arts Council England, Camden People’s Theatre and Cambridge Junction.





    Content Notice
    Content NoticeWithin the conversation which takes place withinthe show subjects such as depression, suicide, assault and violence may be touched upon
    "You emerge wondering how a staging so kind can be so devastating"
    Maxie Szalwinksa, The Sunday Times

    "CPT is as a beacon of fringe goodness, a theatre that champions diversity, inclusivity and the best kind of weird uniqueness"
