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  • Pimlico

    Thu 13 March at 9pm
    Tickets £8 (+ booking fee)
    Two strangers, a funeral and a set of dentures.

    ‘Pimlico’ is a two hander, one-act, inter-disciplinary play that explores themes of identity, reconciliation, inter-faith marriages, and the complexities of family bonds.

    In a world where cultural boundaries blur and family ties stretch across continents, two siblings, Maya and Jonathan, stand at the crossroads of their shared history. Separated by an ocean and years of misunderstanding, the half-siblings find themselves reunited in their childhood home, as they meet for the first time at their father’s funeral. 

    The funeral where cultures collide and beliefs are questioned, and the living claim a part of the dead, a brother and a sister, share more than a dead father and his eulogy.

    Written and Directed By: Shilpa Varma and Al Enechi 
    Co-directed by: Clare Stopford
    Stage Manager: Vkinn Vats

    Content Notice
    Running Time 35
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeFood/Drinks consumed by performers
    "A little gem of a piece that presented an insightful and engaging character arc for both characters and displayed strong writing throughout."
    Audience Member
    "An interesting premise that I had not seen explored on stage before, alongside moments of real wit and pathos."
    Audience Member

    Tickets for Pimlico

    Thu 13 Mar, 21:00

    "Hats off to the CPT for this fine show, well researched and coming from a place of great passion... Comm­unity theatre at its most effective."

    Camden New Journal (Human Jam)