Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
Does your family not fit the mold?
Interested in parenting and children but the “nuclear family” isn’t for you?
Want to know more about “family abolition”?
Want to learn about theatre and telling true stories?
Join for a community day at CPT with Too Much, as part of their work in making the verbatim show Next of Kin.
This day is a chance to connect with others through creativity and an interest in, or lived experience of “diverse” families.
The workshop will include creative activities connected to the themes in the show, and an introduction to verbatim theatre.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
No experience of theatre required!
More about the show, Next of Kin:
Next of Kin is a show that tells the story of fictional character, Wyn, who is on a quest to figure out if they should raise a child, and how.
Weaving together true, anonymous, “verbatim” stories of…
….it reveals ways that non-nuclear caregiving intersects with the potential for racial, economic and queer justice.
Next of Kin is a celebration of the rich and diverse experiences of real people, in the past and present, who are organising families differently, and what they can teach us for the future. The play is by and for people who have different ideas or structures of family, and is made up of a collage of interviews, archived material and music.
By “diverse families” we mean any “family” that is not a traditional “nuclear” family (2 parents, heterosexual, cis-gender, biologically related).
By “verbatim theatre” we mean theatre where the script is made up of real things people have said, taken “verbatim” – so the words are kept exactly as they were said. It’s a bit like a documentary, but an actor would usually perform the “true story” script, rather than us seeing a film of the actual person speaking.
By “family abolition” we mean a political vision that advocates for a society where care and resources are not limited to or dependent on traditional family structures, envisioning a world where everyone's needs are met through community and collective responsibility.
Structure of the day:
(11.30 - 12pm) - Check in, introductions, snacks!
(12 - 12.45) - Games, creative activities, demonstrations, and a creative dialogue about the themes of the show!
(1-1.20pm) - Verbatim theatre skillshare
(1.20-2pm) - Verbatim theatre: Your turn!
(2-3pm) - Hot lunch provided
(3 - 4pm) - Verbatim theatre: preparation & performance
(4 - 4.30pm) - Final reflections & check out
Is this workshop for me?
If you are intrigued by any of it, please come along.
The workshop is made for anyone with lived experience of “diverse family” or anyone interested in exploring creating a “diverse family” and what that would mean for them.
If you have any questions about the above information. Please don’t hesitate to ask! Just email
Tobi King Bakare and this theatre deserve a shout-out for such a young, diverse audience. There is so much talk about audiences being full of over 60s and why, why can’t theatres get the crowds in to reflect society in general? Well, I’m happy to say that on a rainy Thursday evening, the theatre was completely full.
Caiti Grove on Before I Go in CPT's Spring 2023 season London Theatre Reviews