Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
UnTethered is an autobiographical comedy that follows a queer, demisexual woman with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as she attempts to transcend her irrational fears so that she may finally experience what it’s like to feel safe and loved. When her intrusive thoughts manifest as monsters made from plastic bags, she begins to question the absurd lengths the mind will go through to create an illusion of safety. UnTethered pushes at the boundaries of fixed identity and asks if we should tether to the things that make us feel safe, or if the power lies in the letting go.
“Sirois gives a performance of superhuman intensity and deceptive ease." HiLowBrow [on previous work by the performer Tana Sirois]
"Having OCD myself, UnTethered makes me feel heard and want to listen. This play addresses the complexities of a potentially destructive mental illness with grace, bringing so much joy and hope to its intricate world" Audience member [on this show]
"Our children live in the most deprived ward in London and their parents cannot afford to pay for the classes and activities many more privileged children enjoy after school and at the weekends. A free-to-access youth group run by a local theatre in a professional setting is an incredible opportunity."
Local school teacher