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    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

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  • Lara Cosmetatos presents


    Thu 10 and Fri 11 Aug at 9pm
    Tickets £10
    Vaginus Hemmingway welcomes you to the Cabaret Rathole, where through song, storytelling and a passable quiz, preparations will be made for the End of the World.

    As the full-time alter-ego of an earnest and unassuming Waiter, Vaginus Hemmingway has his work cut out trying to find excitement and dignity in the plodding miasma of day-to-day life. With songs, dancing, tasteful mime, tasteful striptease, tasteful flashback, tasteless storytelling and more, he and his Waiter attempt to make sense of the fact that the Apocalypse appears to have interrupted their time on Earth just as it was all getting interesting. A fantastical, disturbing and entertaining world awaits you at the Cabaret Rathole, on the brink as we are of the End of Time: enjoy it while you can!


    Content Notice
    Running Time 90 mins
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Content Notice
    Content Noticemoderate swearing, mental illness, loneliness, death, mentions of suicide, smoking and alcohol. Sexual depictions of a mosquito.
    Health Notice
    Health NoticeCelery (allergen), Live Flames, Flashing lights, Loud noises, Food/Drink consumed on stage, Food and drink given to audience.

    "CPT is the first place we turn to when we have a new idea, knowing that experimentation and new ideas are always supported."

    Sh!t Theatre