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  • Helena Snider presents

    Pepi and Me

    Thu 31 Mar at 9.00pm
    Tickets Pay What You Can (£5 suggestion)
    Pepi and Me is based on real-life 20th century Drag King, Pepi Litman. Jewish Bex, 17 years old from North London, travels across space and time to meet her hero.



    “I’m in kind of this tricky bind really, where I’m too queer for Jewish, and too Jewish for queer”

    Pepi and Me is a formbusting new play by Helena Snider following the stories of two Jewish Women who seek to break out from the roles society has created for them.

    Bex is a 17 year old, rebelling against her conservative family in North London. Pepi Litman is her real life hero, a 20th century Yiddish Drag King. Through discovering Pepi’s story, can Bex absorb some of her bravery to create a narrative of her own?

    Fusing live  music, comedy and drag, Pepi and Me tells a story of connecting to ones heritage to celebrate Jewish identity, queerness & joy.

    Performer - Hannah Bristow
    Director - Hetty Hodgson
    Writer - Helena Snider
    Producer - Jess Donn
    Lighting Designer - Amy Daniels
    Sound Designer and Composer - Sarah Spencer
    Set and Costume Designer - Oscar Morris
    Movement Director - Tommy Ross-Williams
    Dramaturg - Rafaella Marcus
    Dialect - Vivi Lachs

    With thanks to the Pepi Litman Project

    Developed on Soho Theatre’s Drag and Cabaret Lab.

    Age suggestion: 16+

    Content Notice
    Running Time 30 minutes
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeThe company do not believe there is any content to consider, please email FOH@cptheatre.co.uk if you have any specific concerns
    Health Notice
    Health NoticeNone

    "Welcoming, inclusive, creative and life-affirming. I have learnt a lot myself in so many ways that will seep into all parts of my life. My self-confidence has massively increased"

    Human Jam participant