Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
Rom-coms are strange things. They’re often our go-to watch for comfort viewing and we like how they make us feel all gooey inside. However they are in many ways deeply problematic. It was this conflict that led to the creation of Love is Just a Thing with Feelings, a queer rom-com written using Artificial Intelligence.
A is a receptionist at The Lighthouse hotel. B is its owner. A chance encounter begins a passionate love affair. But how long can it last?
Created by feeding the scripts of over 50 rom-coms into text-generating Artificial Intelligence software, Love is Just a Thing with Feelings is a love letter to and takedown of the romantic comedy genre. Expect: meet-cutes, self-indulgent dance numbers, and running up fifth avenue in the middle of a lightning storm. This is: Love is Just a Thing with Feelings.
"Our children live in the most deprived ward in London and their parents cannot afford to pay for the classes and activities many more privileged children enjoy after school and at the weekends. A free-to-access youth group run by a local theatre in a professional setting is an incredible opportunity."
Local school teacher