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  • Sergio Maggiolo presents

    Jeezus! Fucking Christ

    Tue 25 Apr - Thu 27 Apr, 9 pm
    Tickets £8 (WIP)
    A latinx, catholic, fuck fest cabaret. A queer ritual to exorcise the demons religion has filled us up with.

    Have you ever wanted to have hot sex with The Lord? Sergio has. Sergio is a larger than life, glittering hot mess and invites you to his autobiographical, christian, ritualistic fuck fest cabaret. Sergio’s Latin-American Catholic upbringing has filled him with demons and he’s on a quest to get rid of them. This show will leave you dead and resurrect you just in time for Easter! Join me this April as I rewrite the myth, find them demons and make sweet, sweet love to them <3

    Content Notice
    Running Time 65 min
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeExplicit sexual language, partial nudity, visual references to sex, violence and reinterpretation of religious symbols.. Suitable for 18+
    Health Notice
    Health NoticeSmoke/fog/haze, Flashing Lights, Loud Noises, Burning incense or herbs onstage, Food/Drinks consumed by performers, Food/Drinks given to audience members, Alcohol consumed by performers onstage, Alcohol given to audience members

    Great theatre, lovely young team, brilliant supportive diverse programming, the only theatre I can think of that is currently supporting so many theatremakers.

    Programmed artist