Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
Golden Solitude @ 7:30pm
What is connection? What is conscious experience? What happens to our body when we really connect to something or someone with our soul and mind?
The show will treat special things as normal, and normal things as special. “ABNORMAL describes behaviour or an event that differs from the familiar or usual. There is no clear line between these two stages, mainly playing within grey area. The character named Special is raised by tiger and deer, going on an interesting journey where she travel through different spaces, it might be involved in some interactive elements. The character will say the line and subline both out loud. She would quickly shift the state of beings and talking to audience directly at some point. The place she used to live has no proper spoken language. She communicates with other creatures with body language and movement. The story unfolded with her journey of traveling around the various spaces, each space has its own language and she s about to discover the social rules of communication within different spaces and how it affects her mentally and physically, for example: the world after death, the world under the sea, the world where there is no emotion, etc.
Written, driected and perfromed by: Xixi Xiao
Platypus @ 8:30pm
What if your last chance to save the world from eternal damnation was to kidnap a Platypus?
Platypus is a short play in which ideas of religion, evolution and family collide with the current boom in toxic online mentorship and hustle culture, culminating in a final showdown of new and old ideologies.
Our protagonist Ashley, God-fearing and naive, ropes in the help of an old, estranged foster brother, Isaac, long since jaded by the church, to kidnap a Duck-Billed Platypus from London Zoo, with the stated aim of confronting Andrea Peters, online rabble-rouser and zealot, famed for her anti-religious polemics and thinly veiled money-grubbing. Whilst also accidentally kidnapping a Zookeeper along the way, the boys must navigate the delicate waters of religious fundamentalism, creationism, and Platypus welfare.
Written and Directed by Liam McGinn
Performed by: Harrison Rufus Shorten, Yiolanda Hadjidemetriou. Liam McGinn, Madison Scholl
Great theatre, lovely young team, brilliant supportive diverse programming, the only theatre I can think of that is currently supporting so many theatremakers.
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