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    Fri 28th Oct - Sun 30th Oct at 7.15pm
    Tickets £12 (£10)
    A darkly comedic one woman show from Gaia Mondadori (Netflix; BBC) about a young actress struggling to 'make it'.

    ‘Fake It Till You Make It’ is a darkly comedic one-woman show about Leda, an actor struggling to make it. As she navigates the roles she plays in her own personal life and in her acting, she finds herself in a situation she has spent her life trying to avoid. She is taken advantage of by the male lead in her first screen job and as she struggles to repair the mask of who she once was back together, her life as she knows it spins out of control.

    ‘Fake It Till You Make It’ explores what it means to survive in a world where men both threaten and confirm your identity. It asks us to question all the lies we tell ourselves and others and where we stand in a society that tells us to stay grateful, smiling and thriving, even when we are not.

    Directed by Jemima Langdon and produced by Martha French.

    Content Notice
    Running Time 60 minutes
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeRape, Sexual assault; Themes of trauma; Strong language
    Health Notice
    Health NoticeFlashing Lights
    "a masterpiece which really must not be missed [...] a fearless, beautifully crafted show"
    EdFringe Review
    "Brilliant and powerful"
    The Derek Awards

    "Our children live in the most deprived ward in London and their parents cannot afford to pay for the classes and activities many more privileged children enjoy after school and at the weekends. A free-to-access youth group run by a local theatre in a professional setting is an incredible opportunity."

    Local school teacher