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  • D E S C E N T

    Thu 23 Mar at 9pm
    Tickets £8 - £12
    Journey into a mind where memory, music and myth have merged. This intimate, autobiographical piece explores memory of a survivor of childhood trauma.

    D E S C E N T is an intimate autobiographical performance rooted in music, mythology and objecthood.

    ‘She was just a foolish girl, living with her head in the clouds’, and she was different from her high school friends. Now an adult, the discovery of specific items from her past (which she had long since hidden from herself) sends her into a spiral of stories that make her question her own version of events.

    Descending into the dark world of the past she uncovers a secret that will change her forever and force her to confront her own naivety. Using objects, stories and songs from their past, KH builds a world in which music, memory and myth are interchangeable and invites you to explore what’s true and false in her dark and unforgiving world.

    Watch a t

    Content Notice
    Running Time 50 mins
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeContains themes of sexual assault. The performance is based on one person's experience of sexual assault in childhood. It is not depicted in a graphic way but is heavily implied and is emotional. Suitable for ages 16+
    "Gave me chills, such a brave and heartwrenching performance!"
    Audience feedback
    "A deeply felt autobiographical work that draws the audience into this dark world."
    Audience feedback
    "It is a quiet and humble show when she talks but her voice trills when she sings, and yet the overall tone remains comforting"
    Dee Boner Review, Croydonites Festival 2022

    Great theatre, lovely young team, brilliant supportive diverse programming, the only theatre I can think of that is currently supporting so many theatremakers.

    Programmed artist