Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
Get 25% off when you book more than one show across The Camden Roar (4 - 23 June 2024). We'd personally recommend GRILLS, a 5-star show about 80s lesbians (and so much more), at 7pm the same night.
This is a testimony for every mother who was and is a refugee, an immigrant. For every person who travelled, struggled and suffered for “something better”. For every parent, child, number, statistic who escaped then became yesterdays breaking news. And to everyone - displaced and found - who wasn’t born in this country but became a CITIZEN.
CITIZEN is a daughters plight and navigation through the music industry, exploring her sound and her identity as she recollects the memories of her mother and tries to understand her mother's experience becoming and living as a citizen in England.
“British theatre would be completely stymied without tiny, under-resourced venues such as CPT, which are a critical part of the theatre ecology.”
Lyn Gardner Stagedoor