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    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

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  • Dora Colquhoun presents

    ADHD The Musical: Can I Have Your Attention Please?

    Thu 17 Mar at 7.15pm
    Tickets £12 (£10)
    Have you always wanted to go to a presentation about ADHD that veers off into the wacky and wonderful world of Neuroscience, Julie Andrews, Cher and Dolly Parton? Well now you can!

    Have you always wanted to go to a presentation about ADHD that veers off into the wacky and wonderful world of Neuroscience, Julie Andrews, Cher and Dolly Parton? Well now you can!

    ADHD The Musical: Can I have your Attention please? is a wonderful mix of facts, storytelling and some cracking original show tunes. You’ll laugh, you’ll learn and you won’t be afraid to fail baby! This new, exciting and heartfelt work explores the highs and lows of having the most common neuro developmental disorder worldwide. The show attempts to unpack feelings of shame and blame that occur when being neurodivergent in a world designed for the neurotypical brain. Let me take you by the hand and explore: Why people with ADHD are drawn to new experiences? Why have I had so many jobs? Why did my festive interaction with Santa go too far?

    Come along and find out.

    Content Notice
    Running Time 60 minutes
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeThe show touches upon issues such as childhood trauma and addiction. Audience interaction.
    Health Notice
    Health NoticeNone
    "You have created the most engaging, hilarious relatable utterly beautiful performance."
    "Moving, brave, funny, beautiful. But enough about me, your show was the best!"

    “Keep up the good work producing cutting-edge theatre for everyone in London”

    Councillor Jonathan Simpson, 29 January 2018