• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • Paula Varjack


    Paula Varjack is an artist working in video and performance. Her work explores identity, community, and making the invisible visible. Her show Show Me The Money explored making a living as an artist in the UK based on interviews with artists across art. Paula is also in early stages of developing #thebabyquestion with Luca Rutherford, Catriona James & dramaturg Maddy Costa, exploring the inevitability of "the baby question" on women, regardless of age. 

  • Paula Varjack  Website
  • Paula Varjack  on Instagram
  • Paula Varjack CPT shows

    Paula Varjack
    Paula Varjack presents

    The Cult of K*nzo

    Tue 5 - Sat 9 Feb
    Combines storytelling, sound design & choreography, exploring the weird and wonderful world of fashion. A playful critique on consumer culture. Why do we want the things we want?

    Blog Posts by Paula Varjack

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    "Our children live in the most deprived ward in London and their parents cannot afford to pay for the classes and activities many more privileged children enjoy after school and at the weekends. A free-to-access youth group run by a local theatre in a professional setting is an incredible opportunity."

    Local school teacher