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  • Theatre Tapas presents

    Theatre Tapas (25th Nov)

    Mon 25 Nov at 7.30pm
    Tickets £8-£12 (+ booking fee)
    3 brand new works-in-progress including a brand new dark comedy, a clown show about angels, and an improvised rap musical
    Content Notice
    Running Time 60 mins
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Wheelchair Accessible
    Assistance dogs welcome
    Assistance dogs welcome

    Don't fill yourself up on a whole play, just have some nibbly bits. Theatre Tapas is back with an exciting line up of brand new work! 

    Meg Hodgson - Book of Revelations
    Meg Hodgson is an experimental performer, clown and movement artist based in London. Exploration of the serious business of science, queerness and grief
    through exuberant mediums is the foundation of Meg’s artistic practice, with current shows-in-progress exploring the imminent corporate mining of the Moon and historic, non-binary jester narratives.
    Meg is currently thinking about power structures, ritual and monsters, and so is naturally diving into their own Catholic upbringing to investigate some biblically accurate angels.

    Charlotte Anne Tilley - AND THEN SHE DIED:
    Charlotte Anne Tilley, is a writer-performer with two WATERSTONES published plays: ALMOST ADULT, and OH, CALM DOWN. Charlotte's work has been featured in THE TIMES and PLAYBILL. Work in progress, AND THEN SHE DIED is dark comedy about a dysfunctional family's failed attempts to deal with the loss of their mother. 

    Track 96 - The Oracle:
    Track 96 presents The Oracle, a fully improvised glimpse into the future life of one lucky audience member. Featuring fully freestyled hip hop musical numbers, based on prompts and stories from the audience, Track 96 will transform the audience’s own experiences and stories into a one-of-a-kind performance, never to be experienced again.
    Track 96 freestyle on the spot and, as improvisers, invent a story/scene that audiences can connect with, all accompanied by a live beatboxer and DJ.

    "Our children live in the most deprived ward in London and their parents cannot afford to pay for the classes and activities many more privileged children enjoy after school and at the weekends. A free-to-access youth group run by a local theatre in a professional setting is an incredible opportunity."

    Local school teacher