Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
The Deyrmaa.
The place you can only dream of when you are at your worst.
When everything... doesn’t work.
And in these moments you truly are alone.
David Vayne’s new play explores the very worst moments of depression.
A semi-autobiographical, poetical, and unapologetic reflection of having the condition.
Inspired by Expressionism and Abstract Art, Poetry, and Extreme Metal music.
Dead Men Productions Presents
‘The Deyrmaa’
Written & Directed by David Vayne.
Performed by David Vayne & Jerry Gunn.
A Special Thanks to:
Amber Williams, James Christensen, Nikki Acquah, Patrice Bowler, Sarah Farmer, Polykarpos Filippidis, and A Yellow Sock (Rest In Pieces).
"Welcoming, inclusive, creative and life-affirming. I have learnt a lot myself in so many ways that will seep into all parts of my life. My self-confidence has massively increased"
Human Jam participant