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  • Exchange Theatre presents


    Sun 3 Jul at 6:30pm
    Tickets £10
    Exchange Theatre present their amateurs annual showcase. The Tuesday group performs Potiche by Barillet and Gredy
    Content Notice
    Running Time 90 minutes
    Content Notice
    Content NoticeThe company do not believe there is any content to consider, please email foh@cptheatre.co.uk if you have any specific concerns
    Health Notice
    Health NoticeThe company does not believe their are any health notices - the shows are still in creation, so please check back if you have concerns

    by Barillet & Gredy
    Directed by Fanny Dulin
    Performed by Le Workshop students (tuesday group)
    Performed in French

    "Elle a raison Joëlle, je ne suis qu'une potiche"

    Mais Suzanne l'est-elle vraiment?
    Dans un jeu de couleurs et un univers où les genres n'ont plus vraiment d'importance, notre version de cette comédie culte de Barillet et Gredy se veut un hommage aux femmes avec humour, sincérité et sourire. Le tout sur des airs des années 80.

    Après deux ans sans spectacles, mais quinze ans de cours de théâtre en Français à Londres, Le Workshop retrouve enfin les planches ! Pour ce groupe, l'année dernière avait vu leur présentation en plein air annulée, c'est une joie de présenter ce spectacle.

    "Joelle is right. I am only a jar"

    But is Suzanne really what she appears to be?

    In a colourful genderless world, our version of this renown comedy by Barillet et Gredy is a tribute to women with laughs, sincerity and smiles. With 90s music in the background. 

    After two years without being able to perform, but 15 years of teaching drama in French in London, Le Workshop is back on stage! For this group, whose open air show got cancelled last summer, it is a real joy to present this show.

    Tobi King Bakare and this theatre deserve a shout-out for such a young, diverse audience. There is so much talk about audiences being full of over 60s and why, why can’t theatres get the crowds in to reflect society in general? Well, I’m happy to say that on a rainy Thursday evening, the theatre was completely full.

    Caiti Grove on Before I Go in CPT's Spring 2023 season London Theatre Reviews