Company number: 03256616 |
Charity number: 1058723
Dan Egg is a man, technically.
Before that he was a boy, definitely.
He was born with a penis and so was definitely a boy- but learnt soon enough that his version of boyhood/maleness/ masculinity wasn’t the right one.
He went to an all boys catholic school, had an estranged relationship with his biological father and has since worked extensively with men who perpetrate abuse.
Dan Egg believes our society has a problem with men –and so is creating his first solo show to explore this. MANBOX is a show about masculinity, queerness and how the patriarchy is failing all of us.
Developed on Starting Blocks at Camden People’s Theatre.
"CPT is the first place we turn to when we have a new idea, knowing that experimentation and new ideas are always supported."
Sh!t Theatre