• At CPT we are committed to ensuring the best possible experience for all artists, audience members and other visitors to our space. We welcome customers and artists with disabilities and are pleased to assist you in your visit. 

    If you have any questions or enquiries, please do get in touch by phone at 020 7419 4841 or email at foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

  • Privacy Policy

    Image: Angela Christofilou

    Camden People’s Theatre is committed to protecting your personal information. This policy provides detailed information on when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it and how we keep it secure

    Aside from helping us deliver 250+ exceptional events each year, take our work to new audiences, and support new and emerging artists, the information you share with us means you’ll receive more personalised and rewarding communications from us about the things that you are interested in.

    You can register with Camden People’s Theatre at any time on our My Account page.

    Who are Camden People’s Theatre (CPT)?

    CPT is a company (No. 3256616) and registered charity (No. 1058723).

    Our address is: Camden People’s Theatre 58-60 Hampstead Road London NW1 2PY.

    We can be contacted by phone: 020 7419 4841 or foh@cptheatre.co.uk.

    How do we collect your personal information?

    CPT collects your personal data when you decide to communicate or interact with us in any of the following ways:

    • You book a ticket
    • You apply for a job with an application form or CV
    • You apply for an artist opportunity with an application form or CV
    • You attend a workshop at or organised by CPT
    • You use our website, cptheatre.co.uk
    • You complete an online or paper feedback form
    • You contact us via email
    • You subscribe to our mailing list
    • You interact with us via social media
    • You support CPT by making a donation
    • You told a third-party that you are happy for us to have your data.
    • You are in a photography/film commissioned by CPT

    This privacy policy doesn’t cover data in relation to being an employee, trustee, supplier or freelance with whom we are working or in discussion about working with.

    The types of information CPT collects

    We only collect information that’s necessary to carry out our business. The type of information we collect depends on where and when it is gathered. This includes:

    • Details of ticket purchases you have made
    • Information you provide to us when booking tickets for example, your name and contact details, postcode and age
    • Information about donations you’ve made
    • Information you’ve supplied in a job application or a CV
    • Information you’ve supplied on artistic submissions – details about you and the project


    Why we collect personal information

    The information we hold on you will be used in a number of ways:

    • To carry out a ‘contract’ with you
    • We need your personal information to complete a ticket booking
    • We need your personal information to process a donation
    • We need your personal information to provide customer service or enhance your experience
    • Where we have your consent
    • We may send you updates via email about what’s on, offers and news or about supporting us.
    • We may share your details with other arts organisations. You will always be able to opt out of their communications by contacting them directly.
    • We may contact you about job opportunities, artist opportunities or potential collaborations.
    • Where we have justifiable reason (‘legitimate interest’ or ‘legal obligation’)
    • We may learn about your interests so that we can contact you with information that is relevant to you.
    • To target our marketing communications so they’re more relevant to you.
    • For researching our audiences to help us to understand our audience better and ensure we’re sending relevant messages to each group.
    • Undertake consumer research: we may contact you to ask you to participate in consumer research either via an online or telephone survey or in person. You are under no obligation to participate in research.
    • Record who has given money or services to us so that we can tell them how their money has helped us and others
    • Develop our relationship with you as someone who may want to collaborate with us.

    We may share information about you with law enforcement agencies or other organisations or individuals if we are obliged to by law.

    Your Information and other organisations

    Camden People’s Theatre will never share or sell your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes without your prior consent.

    We may share anonymised data with

    • Third party advertisers (such as Facebook or Google) to help us identify customers similar to our audience or to serve relevant adverts to you on third party websites.
    • Funders, to demonstrate the impact and reach of our work.
    • Google Analytics, to collect traffic, location and communication data. We will make no attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.
    • Dot mailer – Dot Mailer gathers statistics around email opening and clicks.



    We would like to communicate with you about our work, future shows and supporting us. We only do this if you give us permission. For example, we won’t add you to our mailing list if you just give feedback or contact us. You have the right to opt out at any time – if you no longer want to be contacted for marketing purposes send us an email or click ‘unsubscribe’ within the e-mail we have sent you or contact natalia@cptheatre.co.uk

    Data storage, retention, access and erasure

    We will keep your information for as long as is required for us to provide you with the service you have requested from us. Where your information is no longer required, we will ensure it is disposed of in a secure manner or annoymised.

    The data we hold about you is in your control. It easy to access, amend or erase your personal details and email preferences personal information that we hold on you by logging in to ‘My Account’. Or, if you prefer, you can contact us by phoning, emailing, or writing using our contact details above.

    CPT will inform you if the way in which we will use your data changes

    You can request access, rectification or erasure of your data at any time by contacting the details at the top of this page

    If you want to stop us processing your data, object to the way we are using it or do not want us to use your data for profiling, you can contact us – details at the top of this page.

    CPT’s Data Retention Schedule can be found at the bottom of this page (PDF).

    Breach Notification

    A personal data breach means a breach of security leading to the destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to your personal data. If a breach is likely to adversely affect your personal data or privacy we will notify you without unnecessary delay. If this happens you will be provided with, as recommended by the ICO:

    • Camden People’s Theatre’s name and contact details
    • the estimated date of the breach
    • a summary of the incident
    • the nature and content of the personal data
    • the likely effects
    • any measures we have taken to address the breach
    • how you can mitigate any possible adverse impact



    This privacy policy was drafted with brevity in mind. It does not provide exhaustive detail of all aspects collection and use of personal information. If you have any specific questions, please contact us at the above information.

    CPT’s Data Retention Schedule

    "CPT is a force for good... We as a community need this desperately at this time."

    Local resident